1·Shell height was power function to live body weight and tissue weight.
2·Her parents live in the time, desperate to protect the fragile body of her, until both passing away, also maintained that posture.
3·Based on its body size, a bat-like the greater mouse-eared bat would be expected to live four years.
4·Live enzymes can jump start the systems in our body and get them to vitality again.
5·Liberty can no more exist without virtue... Than the body can live and move without a soul.
6·We judge too often on the house (body) that people live in, instead of focusing on the real person living inside that body.
7·In each case, the infecting organism USES the host body to live and grow, and is often restricted to a particular organ.
8·"Combining a mind emulation with a physical body allows that mind to physically interact with the world, to explore and live among us," he says.
9·I believe that eating a diet that is chiefly comprised of live plant foods will allow your body to operate at optimal health.
10·Children are fascinated to learn that the body processes air, water, and nourishment in order to live.